of putting it up?"
"No Davy. It's not necessary that you wear it any longer. Your own hair will be long enough with the help of these. And she held up two switches for my inspection. First she parted my hair across my head from ear to ear--combing the hair in front of this part forward. She then pinned the switches into this part and com- bed them back and down so that they mixed with my own hair, and fastened it up into a long roll across my neck. Then she rolled the hair in front of the part into a pompador. Finished, she held a mirror so I could see--it indeed did look nice, as it was in the latest sleek style, and ever so much more comfortable than the hot bulky wig.
"It looks grand, Frances. after I have a haircut?"
"Oh you mustn't do that"!
But how can I ever do it that way
She exclaimed.
"But I can't go around any longer looking like I do."
"Why I think it looks nice Davy."
"Yes, but what about my other clothes?"
"Phoo to them Davy. After I've gone to all the trouble of getting these switches for you, you can't spoil their use by gett- ing a haircut just so you can wear your nasty old pants." I drop- ped the subject at that, and went down with her.
When Mother saw my new hairdo, she was most complimentary, and said, "Now you won't have to worry about being detected with a wig, Davy. Most women wear switches, so it won't make any differ- ence if they are seen."
I hadn't realized how uncomfortable my wig had been until that evening--for every minute I was surprised at the cool comfort of this new hair arrangement. However, I resolved to get a haircut the next day; but in the morning the sight of the switches on my bureau challenged me to try arranging them by myself--so before many minutes I was busily experimenting with the new hairdo.
Day after day I intended to get a haircut, but something al- ways prevented it, or the thought of a new hairdo made me defer it until the next day. Also, for more than a month, I wore nothing Dur- but feminine things, and that removed much of the incentive. ing this period I was given a new frock--the basic black silk dress